Follow these steps within the Manager Portal to understand and set up user access to specific functions on the POS terminals.
- Permissions are assigned to job roles. Individual employees cannot have permissions assigned or removed--but custom job roles can be created.
- Within the Manager Portal, only an individual whose job role has the “Modify Permissions” permission can update the permissions of other job roles.
- Consider reviewing our Learning Videos covering POS Permissions, Portal Permissions, & Job Codes.
- To update user permissions to functions that take place within the Manager Portal itself (and not the POS terminal functions), refer to Configure Manager Portal Permissions.
- Log in to the Manager Portal.
- Select the hamburger menu (three lines) on the upper-left.
- Select "Labor".
- On the Labor submenu, select "POS Permissions".
- Select or unselect the checkboxes under each job role to assign or remove permissions to that job role.
> Note: Review the Reference section (below) for definitions of all permissions options. - Select "Save".
The following lists provide detailed definition of each available permission.
Register Permissions
- Log in: Allows login and access the POS system
- Clock in: Allows clocking in for a shift
Tickets Permissions
Access Tabs: Allows view and management of the employee's assigned tabs
Access Tables: Allows access to tables assigned to the employee
- Access To-Go Orders: Allows view and management of the employee's assigned to-go orders
> Note: These 3 "Accessing" permissions do NOT allow the employee to add items to other employees' tabs, tables, and to-go orders. - Join Shared Group: Allows login with individual PIN codes but ordering under a group with one Checkout
> Note: This is typically used by venues that use tip pooling. - Reopen Closed Tabs: Allows ability to reopen a closed tab for adjustments
- View Closed Checks: Allows view of closed checks
Management Permissions
- Manage End-of-Day Activities: Allows run of End-of-Day procedures to batch out sales
- Manage All Tabs: Allows addition of items to any tab
- Manage All Tables: Allows addition of items to any table
- Manage All To-Go: Allows addition of items to any to-go order
> Note: These 3 "Manage All" permissions allow the employee to add items to other employees' tabs, tables, and to-go orders.
Add Customer Notes: Allows notes to be added to printed receipts
Manage and Delete Employee Checkouts: Allows view or deletion of employee checkouts
Manage All Employees: Allows run of other employees' checkouts as well as the clock-out of other employees
Manage Shift Notes: Allows addition or deletion of shift notes on the POS terminal
Manage Item Countdown: Allows access to item countdown, for managing item availability and 86-ing items
Join Checks: Allows combination of different checks
> Note: If the check is on a table, this will combine the tables. If an employee attempts to join checks but does not have this permission, they will receive a red "Permission Required" error message. -
Transfer Checks: Allows transfer of a check to another employee
> Note: The receiving employee MUST accept or reject the transferred check. If an employee attempts to transfer checks but does not have this permission, they will receive a red "Permission Required" error message. -
Transfer Items: Allows transfer of individual item(s) to a different check
Reprint Station Tickets: Allows reprint of an order ticket
Example: Reprinting a lost kitchen ticket - Apply Pre-Authorization for Checks: Allows applying authorized credit card amount to mobile tab if venue is using 'fortis' as a card not present processor
Approve Adjustments Permissions
Approve Discounts: Allows application of discount adjustments to item(s) without manager approval
Approve Voids: Allows void of item(s) without manager approval
- Approve Comps: Allows comp of item(s) without manager approval
- Approve Tax-Exempt: Allows application of tax-exempt status to a check without manager approval
- Approve Spills: Allows spill adjustments to item(s) without manager approval
- Approve Gratuities: Allows application of gratuities to a check without manager approval
- Approve Service Charges: Allows application of service charge adjustments to a check without manager approval
- Approve Pricing Events: Allows application of Pricing Event prices to item(s) outside of set Pricing Event times
Tender Permissions
- Take Cash Payments: Allows employee to take cash payments for check payment
> Note: If this is turned off, the tender types "Cash" and "Fash Cash" do not display on the Payment screen.
- Take Cards by Swipe, Dip and Tap: Allows employee to take Dip, Tap, and Swipe card payments for check payment
> Note: If this is turned off, the tender types "Swipe", "Dip", "Fash Card", and "Pay at the Table" do not display on the Payment screen.
- Take Cards by Manual Card Entry: Allows employee to manually enter a credit card number for check payment
> Note: If this is turned off, the tender type "Enter Card" does not display on the Payment screen.
- Take Gift Card Payments: Allows employee to apply a gift card balance toward check payment
> Note: If this is turned off, the tender type "Gift Card" does not display on the Payment screen.
- Take House Account Payments: Allows employee to pay out a check with a House Account
> Note: If this is turned off, the tender type "House Accounts" does not display on the Payment screen.
- Manage House Accounts: Allows employee to both create a House Account and take a deposit for it
> Note: If this is turned off, the menu option "Manage House Accounts" will not display in the side menu of the Union POS
- Activate Gift Cards: Allows employee to add a Gift Card to a check
> Note: If this is turned off, the employee will receive a red "Permission Required" error message when attempting the action.
- Take Cash Payments: Allows employee to take cash payments for check payment
Reports Permissions
- View All Employee Sales Records:
Allows view of all employees' individual Sales Summaries and a Total Sales Summary report for the venue
- View Employee Sales Report:
Allows view of the employee's own Sales Summary only (and not the venue summary report)
- View Flash Sales Report:
Allows view of the flash sales report, which displays net sales by hour and who is currently clocked in
- View All Employee Sales Records:
Cash and Cash Drawer Permissions
- Open Cash Drawer Off Sale: Allows ability to open the cash drawer without making a cash sale on a check
- View Cash Sales: Allows display of Cash Sales and Venue Keeps data on the employee's Checkout screen
> Note: If this is turned off, both Cash Sales and Venue Keeps data will not display for the employee on Checkout nor in the POS Sales Reporting
- Enter Bank: Allows addition of a Starting Bank amount for the cash drawer