Create or Edit Pricing Events

Follow these steps to create a new or edit an existing pricing event for your venue.


  • A pricing event is a scheduled date and time where selected menu items have their prices automatically updated on both Union POS Terminals and mobile apps.
    Example: Happy Hour Pricing on draft beers every Tuesday from 3pm to 6pm
  • Pricing Events can be created and edited within the Manager Portal by anyone who has been given the "Edit Pricing Events" permission.
  • Consider reviewing our Learning Video covering Creating Pricing Events.

Create a Pricing Event

  1. Log in to the Manager Portal. 
  2. Select the hamburger menu (three lines) on the upper-left.
  3. Select "Inventory".
  4. On the Inventory submenu, expand the "Menu Set-Up" dropdown menu.
  5. Select "Pricing Events".
    ⇒ Result: A calendar view of the current month displays.
  6. Click on the day you wish you begin the Pricing Event.
  7. Fill in the fields on the Pricing Event Details screen.
    1. Event Name: The name for the event
      Example: Tuesday Happy Hour
    2. Description: A description of the event and/or the reason for pricing adjustments
    3. Time: Either check "All Day" or select your event timeframe
    4. Repeat: Toggle whether this is a one-time or repeated event
  8. On the right side of the Pricing Event Details screen, check boxes for any or all items you wish to add to the event. 
    ⇒ Result: Any item checked on the right will be added to a list at the bottom of the screen.
    > Note: Checking a box next to a category name instead of individual item will add all items of the category to your event. To remove an item, click the trashcan icon next to the item's name.
  9. For each item that was added: 

    1. Select the type of price adjustment from the dropdown menu.

    2. Set the adjustment amount.

  10. Click the blue "Save" button when complete.
    ⇒ Result: The events will now show when navigating back to the "Pricing Events" screen.

  11. Click the "Publish Changes to POS" button.
    > Note: Scheduled Pricing Events in future will NOT show on the POS until the specified date(s) and time(s).

Edit a Pricing Event

  1. Follow Steps 1 through 5 (above) to access the calendar view of Pricing Events. 
    ⇒ Result: A calendar view of the current month displays with indicators for all currently scheduled pricing events.
  2. Click on the Pricing Event you wish to edit.
  3. Change the Pricing Event fields as necessary.
  4. Click the blue "Save" button when complete.
  5. Click the "Publish Changes to POS" button.