Follow these steps to create or edit a Menu Screen, which are the category buttons on the Union POS terminal menu.
- Menu Screens (or category buttons) can only be created and edited in the Manager Portal by an employee given the "Edit Items and Screens" permission.
- Menu Screens can have their visibility on the Union POS toggled on or off for specific dates and times, and for specific terminal sizes and types.
- A Menu Screen MUST be updated for each size and type.
Example: Editing the Draft Beer menu screen for the 13" size iPad will NOT automatically update the 10", iPhone, Mobile, or Online Draft Beer menu screens. - Consider reviewing our Learning Videos, covering Enabling & Disabling Menu Screens.
Create a Menu Screen
- Log in to the Manager Portal.
- Select the hamburger menu (three lines) on the upper-left.
- Select "Inventory".
- On the Inventory submenu, expand the "Menu Set-Up" dropdown menu.
- Select "Menu Screens".
⇒ Result: A list of all existing (not necessarily enabled) menu screens displays. - Click the "Add New" button in the upper-right.
- Set and select an applicable option for your menu screen in the Details section.
- Type
> Note: Refer to the Reference section (below) for explanation of each Type. - Name
- Icon
- Color
- Screen Size
> Note: Screen Size is only applicable to POS Quick Pick or POS Alphabetical menu screen types. - Date and Time for the Menu Screen to display
- Type
- On the right side of the screen, add menu item(s) from the list.
> Note: If the Menu Screen is a POS Quick Pick or POS Alphabetical type, you can arrange the menu items in the grid along the top of the Menu Screen. - Click the blue "Save" button when complete.
⇒ Result: The new Menu Screen is added to the bottom of the Menu Screens list. - If desired, move the Menu Screen within the list to its correct spot.
- Click the "Publish Changes to POS" button.
Edit a Menu Screen
- Follow Steps 1 through 5 (above) to access the Menu Screens screen.
- To edit a Menu Screen, click on the blue pencil icon next to its name.
- Change the Menu Screen options as necessary.
- Click the blue "Save" button when complete.
- Click the "Publish Changes to POS" button.
The following list provides detailed definition for each selectable Type of Menu Screen.
POS Quick Pick: This type will create a Quick Pick grid layout for the Menu Items.
POS Alphabetical: This type will create a Layout with Quick Pick grid at the top of the screen, and also list the items alphabetically below it.
> Note: This type must be selected to show in the list of menu screens at the bottom of an Item page in the Manager Portal. -
Mobile: This type will create a Menu Screen that will only be visible on the Union Mobile App.
Online: This type will create a Menu Screen for third-party sites.