Create or Edit Menu Screens

Follow these steps to create or edit a Menu Screen, which are the category buttons on the Union POS terminal menu.


  • Menu Screens (or category buttons) can only be created and edited in the Manager Portal by an employee given the "Edit Items and Screens" permission.
  • Menu Screens can have their visibility on the Union POS toggled on or off for specific dates and times, and for specific terminal sizes and types.
  • A Menu Screen MUST be updated for each size and type.
    Example: Editing the Draft Beer menu screen for the 13" size iPad will NOT automatically update the 10", iPhone, Mobile, or Online Draft Beer menu screens. 
  • Consider reviewing our Learning Videos, covering Enabling & Disabling Menu Screens.

Create a Menu Screen

  1. Log in to the Manager Portal. 
  2. Select the hamburger menu (three lines) on the upper-left.
  3. Select "Inventory".
  4. On the Inventory submenu, expand the "Menu Set-Up" dropdown menu.
  5. Select "Menu Screens".
    ⇒ Result: A list of all existing (not necessarily enabled) menu screens displays.
  6. Click the "Add New" button in the upper-right.
  7. Set and select an applicable option for your menu screen in the Details section.
    1. Type
      > Note: Refer to the Reference section (below) for explanation of each Type.
    2. Name
    3. Icon
    4. Color
    5. Screen Size
      > Note: Screen Size is only applicable to POS Quick Pick or POS Alphabetical menu screen types.
    6. Date and Time for the Menu Screen to display
  8. On the right side of the screen, add menu item(s) from the list.
    > Note: If the Menu Screen is a POS Quick Pick or POS Alphabetical type, you can arrange the menu items in the grid along the top of the Menu Screen.
  9. Click the blue "Save" button when complete.
    ⇒ Result: The new Menu Screen is added to the bottom of the Menu Screens list.
  10. If desired, move the Menu Screen within the list to its correct spot.
  11. Click the "Publish Changes to POS" button.

Edit a Menu Screen

  1. Follow Steps 1 through 5 (above) to access the Menu Screens screen.
  2. To edit a Menu Screen, click on the blue pencil icon next to its name.
  3. Change the Menu Screen options as necessary.
  4. Click the blue "Save" button when complete.
  5. Click the "Publish Changes to POS" button.


The following list provides detailed definition for each selectable Type of Menu Screen.

  • POS Quick Pick: This type will create a Quick Pick grid layout for the Menu Items.

  • POS Alphabetical: This type will create a Layout with Quick Pick grid at the top of the screen, and also list the items alphabetically below it.
    > Note: This type must be selected to show in the list of menu screens at the bottom of an Item page in the Manager Portal.

  • Mobile: This type will create a Menu Screen that will only be visible on the Union Mobile App.

  • Online: This type will create a Menu Screen for third-party sites.