Follow these steps to create or edit an individual Menu Item, for display on Union POS terminals.
- Menu Items must be saved and published in order to appear on Union POS terminals.
- Menu Items can only be created and edited in the Manager Portal by an employee given the "Edit Items and Screens" permission.
- A modifier (xyz) can only be added to a Menu Item through a Modifier Group.
- Consider reviewing our Learning Videos, covering:
Create a New Menu Item
- Log in to the Manager Portal.
- Select the hamburger menu (three lines) on the upper-left.
- Select "Inventory".
- On the Inventory screen, click the "Add New" button to expand its dropdown menu.
- From the dropdown menu, select the type of Menu Item to add.
> Note: The options in this dropdown decide the Menu Item template that displays on the next screen. They are NOT Sales Categories. - Fill in and select the Menu Item options in the Add New screen.
- Display Name: The name that will appear on the Union POS and Mobile app screens
- Kitchen Name: The name that will appear on the Kitchen/Bar Tickets
- Inventory ID: A number or code created by the venue, used for inventory tracking
- Modifier (Checkbox): Checked if this Menu Item is also used as a modifier
- Description: A description of the item and/or its ingredients
- Sales Sub Category: Adds a subcategory to the Menu Item
> Note: This subcategory will determine the tax rules applied. - Enable Special Instruction Box for Union Mobile: Toggle on the Modifier Group to allow customers to type in special notes and instructions for that item when ordering through the Mobile app
- Size: A size to apply for inventory tracking and/or size-based pricing
Example: A Titos Vodka Menu Item could have a Single size of 1.5oz with a price of $5 and a Double size of 3oz for $10. - Add Item Stations: The area of the restaurant where the tickets related to the Menu Item will print, such as a Kitchen Station or Bar Station
- Modifiers +Add New: Add modifier groups to the Menu Item
- Recipes: Add a recipe to a Menu Item for employee reference
- Screens: Select a Menu Screen for each Terminal size and type for the item to appear on
- Select the blue "Save" button when complete.
- Navigate back to the "Inventory" screen from the hamburger menu.
- Select the "Publish Changes to POS" button.
- Confirm the changes are live on a POS terminal.
> Note: If changes do not appear on the POS terminal, close the Union POS app and reopen it to refresh its settings. Repeat for any other terminals, if immediately necessary.
Edit a Menu Item
- Log in to the Manager Portal.
- Select the hamburger menu (three lines) on the upper-left.
- Select "Inventory".
- Select "Item Management".
- On the Item Management screen, enter the Menu Item name in the search box on the upper-right.
- Select the blue pencil icon next to the resulting Menu Item.
- Change the Menu Item options as necessary.
- Select the "Save" button when complete.
- Select the "Publish Changes to POS" button.
- Confirm the changes are live on a POS terminal.
> Note: If changes do not appear on the POS terminal, close the Union POS app and reopen it to refresh its settings. Repeat for any other terminals, if immediately necessary.