Create or Edit Menu Items

Follow these steps to create or edit an individual Menu Item, for display on Union POS terminals.


Create a New Menu Item

  1. Log in to the Manager Portal. 
  2. Select the hamburger menu (three lines) on the upper-left.
  3. Select "Inventory".
  4. On the Inventory screen, click the "Add New" button to expand its dropdown menu.
  5. From the dropdown menu, select the type of Menu Item to add.
    > Note: The options in this dropdown decide the Menu Item template that displays on the next screen. They are NOT Sales Categories. 
  6. Fill in and select the Menu Item options in the Add New screen.
    • Display Name: The name that will appear on the Union POS and Mobile app screens
    • Kitchen Name: The name that will appear on the Kitchen/Bar Tickets
    • Inventory ID: A number or code created by the venue, used for inventory tracking
    • Modifier (Checkbox): Checked if this Menu Item is also used as a modifier
    • Description: A description of the item and/or its ingredients
    • Sales Sub Category: Adds a subcategory to the Menu Item
      > Note: This subcategory will determine the tax rules applied.
    • Enable Special Instruction Box for Union Mobile: Toggle on the Modifier Group to allow customers to type in special notes and instructions for that item when ordering through the Mobile app
    • Size: A size to apply for inventory tracking and/or size-based pricing
      Example: A Titos Vodka Menu Item could have a Single size of 1.5oz with a price of $5 and a Double size of 3oz for $10.
    • Add Item Stations: The area of the restaurant where the tickets related to the Menu Item will print, such as a Kitchen Station or Bar Station
    • Modifiers +Add New: Add modifier groups to the Menu Item
    • Recipes: Add a recipe to a Menu Item for employee reference
    • Screens: Select a Menu Screen for each Terminal size and type for the item to appear on
  1. Select the blue "Save" button when complete.
  2. Navigate back to the "Inventory" screen from the hamburger menu.
  3. Select the "Publish Changes to POS" button.
  4. Confirm the changes are live on a POS terminal.
    > Note: If changes do not appear on the POS terminal, close the Union POS app and reopen it to refresh its settings. Repeat for any other terminals, if immediately necessary.

Edit a Menu Item

  1. Log in to the Manager Portal. 
  2. Select the hamburger menu (three lines) on the upper-left.
  3. Select "Inventory".
  4. Select "Item Management".
  5. On the Item Management screen, enter the Menu Item name in the search box on the upper-right.
  6. Select the blue pencil icon next to the resulting Menu Item.
  7. Change the Menu Item options as necessary.
  8. Select the "Save" button when complete.
  9. Select the "Publish Changes to POS" button.
  10. Confirm the changes are live on a POS terminal.
    > Note: If changes do not appear on the POS terminal, close the Union POS app and reopen it to refresh its settings. Repeat for any other terminals, if immediately necessary.