INTERNAL: Updates to Transfer checks screen

This article reviews updates to the transfer check screen

Important information:
Transferring checks is based on the permission "Transfer Checks". This is located in the Manager Portal. 

  1. Log into the Manager Portal
  2. Navigate to Labor
  3. Navigate to POS Permissions
  4. Under "Management" you'll have permission to Transfer Checks 
  • A check with a tip of 0.00 and was intentionally added as 0.00 this not considered an unentered tip

  • A cash check will show up under all, If it is a split payment with a payment type that takes tips the cash check will show up unentered or entered

Steps POS

1. 3 Lines

2. Transfer checks 

3. Filter options: 

a. Status: Open, Close, All if the check is in an Open, Closed, or All Check state

b. View: Tables, Tabs, To-Go, All - The different ordering types for checks

c. Employee: This is the employee who owns the check

d. Tip Status: Not Entered, All, Entered - You can search the checks based on if tips have been entered or not