Review and Reconcile using the Transaction Report

Follow these steps to open and verify transaction numbers using the Transaction Report from the Manager Portal.

  1. Log in to the Manager Portal and open the Transactions Report.
    1. Select the hamburger menu (three lines) on the upper-left.
    2. Select "Reports".
    3. On the Reports submenu, select "Transactions".
  2. Log in to CardConnect.
    > Note: If you do not have access to CardConnect, contact Union support for access. 
    1. Select "Reporting".
    2. Select "Funding".
  3. Match your Transaction Report date to its CardConnect funding date.
    > Note: Funding dates are generally 1 or 2 days after transactions.
    Example: Transaction Report date of 01/01 and CardConnect funding date 01/02 or 01/03
  4. Compare numbers to ensure that they line up exactly.
    > Note: The "Sales" line on the CardConnect data should be your true deposit number (before CardConnect fees).
    1. Export the Transaction Report into a fresh Google Sheet or Excel spreadsheet.
    2. To the far right of existing data, add a column for Funding Date and insert the date from CardConnect.
    3. In a row below existing data, add a =sum (in Google Sheet and Excel) function for all cells with dollar amounts.
    4. Compare your final sum with the funded amount reported by CardConnect.
    5. If necessary, go through each transaction individually (searching by last 4 of Card Number) and compare transactions with the CardConnect data.

If a deep-dive comparison does not reconcile your batches, your batches might be splitting (being batched out on multiple days), or the processor may be withholding funds daily instead of monthly.

If you have any questions or concerns about reconciliation, please contact Union so that we can investigate further with you.