Follow these steps to open and understand the End of Day Report from the Manager Portal.
- The End of Day Report is a way to view all employees' contributions toward End of Day numbers.
- All reporting in the Manager Portal can only be viewed by a person who has been granted the "Run Reports" report permission.
- Log in to the Manager Portal.
- Select the hamburger menu (three lines) on the upper-left.
- Select "Reports".
- On the Reports submenu, select "End of Day".
- Review the Reference section (below) for assistance with understanding the report.
The following list provides detailed definition of report labels.
> Note: "Total amounts" are amounts as rung in by ALL employees.
- Sales Summary: Total overview of employee sales activities for the day
- Gross Sales: Total sales before adjustments (before any discounts, comps, spills or voids have been subtracted)
- Voids: Total amount of items voided
- Gross Sales-Voids: Gross sales minus employee voids
- Comps: Total amount of items comped
- Discounts: Total amount of items discounted
- Spills: Total amount items spilled
- Net Sales: Total sales after adjustments (discounts, comps, spills, or voids have been subtracted)
- Service Charges: Total amount of service charge fees
- Net Sales & SVC Chgs: Total sales after adjustments (discounts, comps, spills, or voids have been subtracted) and with added service charge fees
- Taxes: Total taxes collected
- Paid Tips: Total tip amounts collected by server (all reported credit card tips and cash tips)
- Retained Tips: Total tip amounts retained by venue (for taxes or to cover fees, if applicable)
- Paid Gratuities: Total gratuity amounts applied to checks
- Retained Gratuities: Total gratuity amounts retained by venue (for taxes or to cover fees, if applicable)
- Rounding: If your venue uses rounding, the round will always be in favor of the customer (round down)
- House Acct. Charges: Total amount charged on a check to a House Account
- House Acct. Payments: Total amount paid on a check to a House Account
- Gift Card Activations: Total amount of any gift cards activated during shift
- Gift Card Voids: Total amount of any gift cards voided during shift
- Gift Card Comps: Total amount of any gift cards comped during shift
- Gift Card Discounts: Total amount of any gift cards discounted during shift
- Gift Card Redemptions: Total amount of any gift cards redeemed during shift
- Customer Payments: Total amount of all payment forms taken from customers
- Paid Ins: Total amount paid in to employees during shift
- Paid Outs: Total amount paid out to employees during shift
- Payments Total: Total amount of net sales combined with taxes, tips, House Accounts, and gift card actions or payments
- Avg Check: "Payment total" amount averaged by "Guest Count"
- Guest Count: Total number reported guests
- Sales by Category (#):
- These categories vary by venue.
- This section includes a breakdown of sales reported within in each category, as well as a number of items sold in each category.
- Examples:
- Beer: Total items sold under the Beer category
- Liquor: Total items sold under the Liquor category
- N/A Beverages: Total items sold under the Non Alcoholic category
- Wine: Total items sold under the Wine category
- Payments by Type: A breakdown of payment types, with a count of each type of payment and tip taken
- Visa: Payments taken with a Visa-issued card
- MC: Payments taken with a Mastercard-issued card
- AMEX: Payments taken with an American Express-issued card
- Discover: Payments taken with a Discover-issued card
- Cash: Payments taken with cash
- Third Party: Payments taken through a third party
Example: Door Dash, Uber Eats, etc. - Website: Payments taken through website ordering
- Cash Deposit: Total amount of all cash payments taken
- Paid Ins/Paid Outs: Total amount of any paid ins or paid outs
> Note: This can be a negative amount due to paid outs - Deposit Summary: Total amount of all payment forms taken (both card and cash)
- Cash: Total amount of cash sales collected
- Cards (Visa, Amex, Discover, MC): Total amount of card payments collected
- Tip Breakdown: Reported breakdown of tips and associated fees
- Card Tips & Grats: Total amount of credit card tips and gratuities collected
- Card Fees on Card Tips & Grats: Fees reported (at the venue's discretion) as taken from card tips and gratuities
- Other Tips & Grats: Total amount of other tips and gratuities collected
- Net Tips & Grats: Total amount of card and other tips and gratuities collected minus "Card Fees on Card Tips & Grats"
- Employee Hours Summary: An individual breakdown of all employees' shift hours
- Included Checkouts: All Checkouts run before the End of Day process was run